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Tuning - Upgrade of my old Philips CD 650  Player

My current CD 650 tuning project


Headphone Amp's

  My current WNA MK II Headphone Amp project

Headphone Amp with tubes ....... in future

Stock of OP AMP's ...  nd more .....  but not all listed  .......
NS - LM6171, LM6172, LM6181, LM4562, LME49710
BB / TI - OPA655P, OPA134, OPA2132, OPA2227, OPA2228, OPA627, OPA637, OPA2134, OPA227, OPA228, OPA604, OPA2604, BUF634P, BUF634T, DRV134
AD - AD711, AD811, AD797, AD9631, AD9632, AD812, AD823, AD8610, AD797, AD843, AD847, AD8065,  OP275
PMI - OP279, OP113, SSM2135
ON SemiconductorSE5532, SA5534 / SE5534
Maxim - MAX410, MAX412, MAX427, MAX437
Look like's as in BUF634_Schemas
Or as Per-Anders Sjstrm's - QRV-04 the high performance smd headphone amplifier

Headphone Amp conceptions
A solid state predesign
DIY Cables
Test Reports
Graham Slee "green Solo" Headphone Amp
Graham Slee "Green" ERA GOLD REFLEX  Phono Preamp
Revox B790
Tuning Revox Turntable B790
Black Gate as a super-E-Caps capacitor

Jelmax H.P. BlacK Gate - The champion of the circuit cleaning; Black Gate as a super-E-Caps capacitor

Step 4 - the final circuit

It was surprising that all the problems worried about at item (3) were resolved by replacing all the capacitors with the super-E-Caps.
An amplifier made by Ippinkan, in which all the capacitors are replaced by the Black Gates, is connected to the output side.

BGN 16V 33μ2
Non-polarized Black Gate
BGN 50V10μ2
Non-polarized Black Gate
Transcendence electron transfar

     In the super-E-Caps, the lead wire is connected as follows

What is the "Super-E-Caps"?
A pair of nonpolarized Black Gate electrolytic capacitors are particularly connected in parallel or in series so that each one of the capacitors cancels the internal magnetic flux generated by the other, thereby completely eliminating internal resonance and decreasing total impedance to absolute zero as the frequency increase.

An ultimate DC current power source revolution by the ultra electrolytic capacitor Black Gate  - 無題ドキュメント

Source (C) - Jelmax H.P. TOP page

Farbcode für Widerstände 4 - Berechnung Farbcode Widerstand Widerstandstabelle Farb Code Ringe - sengpielaudio
Farbcode für Widerstände 12 - Rechner - Widerstand mit 6 Ringen Ringe Widerstandsbestimmung Farb Farbringe- sengpielaudio


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Last modified: 20. May 2018 14:34:14.

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