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Nur Archiv! Keine Garantie dafür wer heute hinter den Verlinkten Seiten steckt! Wer bedenklichen Inhalt findet, bitte melden!

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Etliche der hier angeführten Links sind nicht mehr aktuell oder nicht mehr aktiv. Durch die große Zahl ist es mir nicht möglich alle aktuell zu halten! 

Some of the links listed here are no longer up to date or no longer active. Because of the big number of entries, it is not possible for me to keep all up to date!

Table 1

   heise online 7-Tage-News    heise Security - News
VIBE.AT - Verein für Internet-Benutzer Österreichs

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The other side of the (fire)wall - some tips to security! Some of both sides!

Benutzung von Hacker Tools auf eigene Gefahr! Rechtliches beachten!!

www.gaijin.at -- Sicherheit im Internet, Infos, Tools und Downloads
SySS GmbH in Tübingen
CERT Coordination Center
SecurityFocus Home Page
Security Corporation
Captus Networks - Beyond Intrusion Prevention Predictable Network Availability
.[packet storm]. - http--packetstormsecurity.org-
    .[packet storm]. - http--packetstormsecurity.org-
SecuriTeam.com (Main Page)
SecurityPortal  -  Admin (InfoSecU Tracking)
Hacking Exposed
Talisker's Network Security Resource
Ports Database
Whitehats Network Security Resource
NSS Group - Europe's foremost independent network testing facility, security and consultancy organisation
C-LAB Reports
       Welcome to C-LAB
TCPDUMP public repository
Windows NT Tips, Tricks and Registry Hacks  
  JSI, INC. - Your Windows NT - Windows 2000 Resource.
Windows NT Tips, Registry Hacks, and More.........
http://www.hack-net.com/ the other side of the (fire)wall
CERT Coordination Center  
L0pht Heavy Industries Passwort Cracker
Primary sources Hacker hangouts online  
Welcome to WWW.2600.com  
C2Net Software, Inc C2Net Software, Inc. is the leading worldwide provider of full-strength encryption software.
NetSpace Project BUGTRAQ Mailinglist
DFN-CERT, DFN-PCA und DFN-FWL Netzwerk-Sicherheit Competence Center
SecuriTeam.com (Main page) SECURITEAM.COM, Security Holes in some systems
Telehack Fyodor's Playhouse
Nmap -- Stealth Port Scanner For Network Security Auditing, General Internet Exploration & Hacking Nmap Port Scanner
Nmap -- Stealth Port Scanner For Network Security Auditing, General Internet Exploration & Hacking Nmap Port Scanner
Insecure.org -- Computer Security, Nmap, Port Scanner, Exploit World, Exploits, Hacking, Hacker, Linux, Solaris, Windows, FreeBSD
    Nmap.Org -- Nmap Free Stealth Network Port Scanner,Linux-Windows-UNIX-Solaris Tools & Hacking
Nmap Port Scanner

Nmap -- Free Stealth Port Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits. Runs on Linux-Windows-UNIX-Solaris-FreeBSD-OpenBSD

eEye Digital Security - nmapNT
     eEye Digital Security - Home
NMap for Windows
WinPcap  - you need for nmapNT -
this work has been partially sponsored by

Microsoft Research - MSR
WinPcap is an architecture for packet capture and network analysis for the Win32 platforms. It includes a kernel-level packet filter, a low-level dynamic link library (packet.dll), and a high-level and system-independent library (wpcap.dll, based on libpcap version 0.5).
Nessus Vulnaribility - Scanner
www.tcpdump Packet - Analyser
The Ethereal Network Analyzer Sniffer
dsniff Sniffing-Tool-Collection
@stake LC4 Passwort - Cracker for NT/W2K
Pavel Krauz's Home Page Sniffer / Session Hijacker
John the Ripper password cracker Passwort - Cracker
Network Security Scanner & Port Scanner SMB - Scanner
N-Stalker - Defense Against Cyberthreats HTTP - Security - Scanner
Snort.org The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System
Counterpane Homepage
PPTP Counterpane Systems PPTP Crack
Windows NT Magazine - NT Software & Hardware How-to Solutions & Reviews
DarkPages -= United Hackers Association =-  or
[ U H A ] - [ United Hackers Association ]
AntiOnline - Computer Security - Hacking and Hackers  or
Welcome To AntiOnline.org - Part Of The AntiOnline Network
HNN - H a c k e r N e w s N e t w o r k  
NetGuard - Guardian Firewall & Bandwidth Control  
Hacker Whacker Remote Network Security Scan  
Password Recovery Software  
The Ethereal Network Analyzer
   Index of -distribution-win32
   Ethereal Download
   Windows Packet Capture Library 
   Windows Packet Capture Library
The Privacy  Foundation  
World Wide Digital Security, Inc.  
SAINT Vulnerability Tool  
SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks - official Homepage)

SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks)

More about SATAN
SATAN (wiki - Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks)
LinkFerret Network Monitor - Packet Sniffer
eEye Digital Security - Iris Network Traffic Analyzer
    eEye Digital Security - Retina Network Security Scanner
          eEye Digital Security - Vulnerability Management Solutions
oxid.it       oxid.it - Cain & Abel
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, decoding scrambled passwords, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program comes in two versions because of the differences and limitations of some API.
Werkzeuge - Die Seite von Spybot-S&D!
Dieses kleine Werkzeug kann benutzt werden, um alternative Datenströme (ADS) aufzufinden. ADS ist eine Technologie die verwendet wird, um zusätzliche Informationen direkt bei den betroffenen Dateien zu speichern, und wird vom System selbst bereits zu legitim Zwecken benutzt. Deshalb sucht dieses Werkzeug nur nach benutzerdefinierten ADS-Eintrgen, wie sie manchmal von Spyware, Malware und Viren verwendet werden.
   Gefahr aus der Schattenwelt
Alternate Data Streams als Versteck für Scähdlinge
Microsofts NTFS-Dateisystem speichert zusätzliche Informationen in Alternate Data Streams, die man mit Windows-Bordmitteln schwer sichtbar machen kann. Auch Schädlinge knnen sich in solchen Streams verstecken, denn nicht alle Virenscanner erkennen Malware in Streams zuverlässig.

heise Security - Produkte - Gefahr aus der Schattenwelt
      heise online - Virenscanner übersehen Schädlinge
             Werkzeuge - Die Seite von Spybot-S&D!
   eEye Digital Security - Vulnerability Management Solutions
     eEye Digital Security - Iris Network Traffic Analyzer
          eEye Digital Security - Retina Network Security Scanner
LinkFerret Network Monitor - Packet Sniffer
   Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, decoding scrambled passwords, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program comes in two versions because of the differences and limitations of some API.

oxid.it - Cain & Abel             oxid.it

Infos über die neuesten Security Holes  
Go to Top!  

heise Security - www.heise.de
   heise Security - heisec.de
RUS-CERT - Home    DV-Sicherheit an der Universität Stuttgart
www.gaijin.at -- Sicherheit im Internet, Infos, Tools und Downloads
CERT Coordination Center
   CERT Advisories
   CERT Advisory CA-99-17 Denial-of-Service Tools
SI, INC. - Your Windows NT - Windows 2000 Resource.
NIPC - Advisories, Alerts, and Warnings
F-Secure Welcome to F-Secure, Securing the Mobile Distributed Enterprise  
Advisories, Alerts, and Warnings eEye - Digital Security  
Security Space  
Security @ San Diego Supercomputer Center & NPACI  
Linux not ready for DOD prime time
Sicherheit im Kabelnetzwerk
Junidas GmbH
      Junidas Security - Rootkit security
OSNews.com - Exploring the Future of Computing
Developments of the Honeyd Virtual Honeypot
    Honeyd Research Honeypots Against Spam

Honeyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network. The hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services, and their personality can be adapted so that they appear to be running certain operating systems.

heise Security
iX 2-2005, S. 34- Netzsicherheit
attrition.org       About Attrition.org         Attrition Security Page
CERT Coordination Center
U.S. DOE-CIAC (Computer Incident Advisory Capability) Website
freshmeat.net- Welcome to freshmeat.net
.-[ packet storm ]-. - http---packetstormsecurity.org-
SANS Institute - Computer Security Education and Information Security Training
SecurityFocus Home Page
        SecurityFocus HOME Tools- netcat (unix)
               SecurityFocus HOME Tools- netcat (Windows)
Slashdot- News for nerds, stuff that matters
The GNU Netcat -- Official homepage
hping security tool - home page

Firewalls, Security,  Intrusion Detection Systems & WAN Management  
Go to Top!

phion information technolgies netfence firewall, vpn, dns
        HEAVENSGATE. Sicherheit auf hchster Ebene.
InterPhace Technologies Software Ges.m.b.H.
Snort.org      The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System
TruSecure Corporation is the worldwide leader in Internet Security Assurance. 
Firewall Builder
     Firewall Builder - SourceForge Project Filelist 
Wallaby.be Home sweet home ...
      Jay's Iptables Firewall
Check Point Software Technologies. We Secure the Internet.
Microsoft Servers - Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server - ISA
PhoneBoy's FireWall-1 FAQ Welcome to PhoneBoy Productions!
GFI - Fax server, email and network security software for Win 2000-NT GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner v2.0
InfoExpress CyberAmor Personal Firewall, ....
Network ICE Corporation 
Distributed Firewall and Internet Connection Sharing - Sygate 
Net Reality  
DICA Technologies - security made simple 
TINY Software - Index TINY Software - Personal Firewall
Kerio Technologies Inc. No Pasaran!
Sygate Technologies Secure Enterprise Solutions for Enterprise Security 
        Security Scan - Sygate Online Services (sos)
               Award Winning Personal Firewall & Internet Sharing Solutions Provider - Sygate Technologies, Inc.
Zone Labs, Internet security products, online safety, software, protection 
       Zone Labs Zone Labs, Internet security products, online safety, software, protection
NetBoz Firewall
Kerio Technologies Inc. No Pasaran!
Agnitum Taking care of your security
Personal Firewall - Look 'n' Stop - Internet Security
Internet Security Systems
   Internet Security Systems, Inc. X-Force 
Network ICE Corporation  
Firewall Guide Software Reviews Firewall Guide Anti-Trojan
Home PC Firewall Guide  
Firewall Shop - firewall - Conseal - Sphinx  
Panda Software Global Security Lsungen
Gefahren,Angriffe und Schwachstellen des ICMP-Protokolls  
Distributed Firewall and Internet Connection Sharing - Sygate  
Welcome to Ipswitch's Homepage E-Mail Server, WS-FTP Server, WS-FTP Client,  WhatsUP Gold
Network management, network discovery, SNMP, MIB browser and security port scan
Somix Technologies, Inc. - Industry leader in 100% Web-Based Management Solutions-
     Somix Technologies, Inc. - Mibs Archives

System Management Tools

Syslog Daemon for Windows, firewall logging, Kiwi Syslog - Cisc
Network-Secure - Unsere Aufgabe ist, das Internet fr Sie sicherer zu machen...
VanDyke Software
Welcome to F-Secure, Securing the Mobile Enterprise
OKENA, Intrusion Prevention Security Without Signatures
Cisco Systems - Deutschland
      Cisco Systems, Inc
Internet Security Systems, Inc.
Welcome to Intrusion Inc. Home Page
Computer Network Security - Network Intrusion Detection
     SmoothWall - about
TWiki . IPCop . WebHome
Riverhead Networks - defeating ddos attacks
ForeScout Technologies, Intrusion Prevention Systems
Simovits Consulting - Ports used by trojans
chkrootkit -- locally checks for signs of a rootkit
Lutz Donnerhacke de.comp.security.firewall FAQ
SySS - The PenTest Experts. News
Federal Trade Commission - OPEN RELAY
Developments of the Honeyd Virtual Honeypot
    Honeyd Research Honeypots Against Spam

Honeyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network. The hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services, and their personality can be adapted so that they appear to be running certain operating systems.

www.port-scan.de - Testen Sie Ihr System bevor andere es tun.
Perst Security - Vorfälle - Wir finden Sicherheitslücken, bevor Hacker es tun
Perst Security - Wir finden Sicherheitslücken, bevor Hacker es tun
Security Scan - Sygate Online Services (sos)

Anti Virus, Anti Spy Software   
Go to Top!

Aktuelle Übersicht  siehe  AV-Test.de · Tests von Anti-Viren- und Sicherheits-Software
AV-Test.de · Tests von Anti-Viren- und Sicherheits-Software
The WildList Organization International Viruslist
xdial - Aktuelle Nachrichten
AV-Test.de Tests von Anti-Viren-Software
     AV-Test.de Tests von Anti-Viren-Software (en)
        AV-Test.org Tests von Anti-Viren-Software
             AV-Test.de Links zu diversen Herstellern von Anti-Viren-Software
TU Berlin - Virus-Info - Extra-Blatt Aktuelle Virenmeldungen
TU Berlin - Antivirus-Software
heise Security - Anti-Virus
        c't 3-2004, S. 118 Viren und trojanische Pferde
            URLs aus c't 9-2003 siehe Seiten 128 bis 137: 'Vielversprecher' - Virenscanner ( Prfstand)
            URLs aus c't 3-2004 siehe Seiten 122 bis 131: Virenscanner (Prfstand)
BSI Bund.de - Hinweise zu Computer-Viren
       Startseite Bundesamt fr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
virus-informer.de Virus-Warnungen tglich aktuell
Viruses, anti-viruses, events, facts and commentary [ VirusList.com ] 
Standards for commercial security products are set by ICSA Labs 
       ICSA Labs Anti-Virus Community
CERT Coordination Center
      CERT Advisories
Kaspersky Antivirus (AVP) Home, virus scanner, software, alerts... 
Network Associates - Anti-Virus, Network Security and Management
     McAfee.com - Homepage 
          Network Associates Inc. - Stinger
Computer Associates
    Computer Associates Worldwide - eTrust
    Computer Associates Deutschland - eTrust 
      Computer Associates Virus Information Center
Vet Anti-Virus Software Home Page  
AVG Anti Virus - Grisoft.com           AVG Anti Virus Grisoft.de
       Grisoft Freeweb AVG Free Edition      Freie AV Software
GFI - Fax server, email and network security software for Win 2000-NT
Willkommen bei F-Secure.de - Securing the Mobile Enterprise
     F-Secure Be Sure
IKARUS Software Vienna 
G DATA Software AG 
Dataprot.at GmbH - Computerviren- und Datenschutz
      Dataprot.com GmbH - Computerviren- und Datenschutz 
RSA Security Inc. - the most trusted name in e-Security 
Sophos Anti-Virus 
Symantec Worldwide 
H+BEDV AntiVir - Die AntiVirus Software fr den Professionellen Virenschutz.
    AntiVir Personal Edition fr Windows XP, 2000, 9X   Freie AV Software
BitDefender AntiVirus - Data Security, AntiVirus Software, Free Protection   Freie AV Software
Network ICE Corporation 
Norman - the data security company 
TrendMicro.com homepage, antivirus software, alerts, advisory, virus, worm, trojan
    TREND MICRO - AntiViren Software Europe
    Trend Micro Enterprise Homepage (US)

    Trend Micro homepage, antivirus software, alerts, advisory, virus, worm, trojan
    Trend Micro.de, Schutz vor Computerviren und Malicious Codes 
F-WIN Antivirus Homepage 
perComp-Verlag GmbH - Anti-Virus-Lsungen mit F-PROT Scanning-Engine www.fp-win.de
  perComp-Verlag GmbH - Anti-Virus-Lsungen mit F-PROT Scanning-Engine
perComp-Verlag GmbH - Anti-Virus-Lsungen mit F-PROT Scanning-Engin www.percomp.de
perComp Verlag GmbH - Virendatenbank
Willkommen im Web-Server der perComp IT-Security GmbH - sterreich
perComp-Verlag GmbH - Anti-Virus-Lsungen mit F-PROT Scanning-Engine
Perst Security - Vorflle - Wir finden Sicherheitslcken, bevor Hacker es tun
Perst Security - Wir finden Sicherheitslcken, bevor Hacker es tun
Antivirus for MDaemon
Welcome to F-Secure, Securing the Mobile Enterprise 
Symantec Worldwide Home Page    
Symantec in Deutschland   
Sybari Software, Inc. Sybari Antigen for MS Exchange and Lotus Notes
Antivirus Website - BitDefender Antivirus Schutz, Antivirus Software, Kostenloses Antivirus
Cleaner Tools gegen verschiedene Mailwrmer, YAW-Yet Another Warner, Spybot Search & Destroy
eicar - European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research
Lavasoft.de LavaSoft Ad-aware
SpamKiller.com McAfee.com - SpamKiller
Panda Software Global Security Lsungen
Startseite Bundesamt fr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
tecChannel 13 aktuelle Virenscanner im Test
Microsoft Security FAQ
AGN - Informatik, Uni-Hamburg
webwasher.com Content Security Management, Content Filtering, Internet Security, Internet Access Management
The Proxomitron - Universal Web Filter
    PestPatrol Glossary

PC Magazine's 10th Annual Ultimate Utility Guide awards PestPatrol five stars, calling it the most mature product reviewed and praising the easy-to-use interface and broad range of malware detection and removal.
Protect against trojans, hacker tools, denial-of-service zombies, spyware, and adware

Home of the XP-AntiSpy XPAntiSpy ist eigentlich nicht mehr als ein Tool, das Einstellungen am System vornimmt, die man, sofern man sie vornehmen will, auch manuell machen kann. Es macht das ganze nur automatisch. .....
For Linux
MailScanner scans all e-mail for viruses, spam and attacks against security vulnerabilities. It is not tied to any particular virus scanner, but can be used with any combination of 14 different virus scanners, allowing sites to choose the best of breed virus scanner.
        Download Server -clamav- sourceforge.net
Clam AntiVirus is a GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning).
The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet. The programs are based on a shared library distributed with the Clam AntiVirus package, which you can use with your own software. Most importantly, the virus database is kept up to date.
ClamAV Third-party software Third-party software
This software supports ClamAV. It's specified which elements are supported, please note that if the program doesn't support clamd you can use clamdscan instead of clamscan.

Table 2

Internet root 
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Domainregistration & reverse TraceRoute & Infos

    SamSpade.org Tools
Whois Tools
DIGEX - Mae West Looking Glass DIGEX - MAE-East++ Looking Glass
DIGEX - Sprintnap Looking Glass DIGEX - Systems
Network Solutions 
Web Interface to Whois
ARIN Introduction   ARIN Whois
WHOIS VeriSign  
IANA IANA Whois Service
Abfrage von WHOIS-Datenbanken
(Internic.NET) COM domains  see above RIPE NCC Whois Queries
NSI - WHOIS Lookup
   ARIN Introduction
Domains in USA - GTLD
Afilias - The .INFO Registry .INFO WHOIS Search
RIPE NCC Homepage Domains in Europa
ARIN Home Page Domains in America
Welcome to APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Centre Domains in Asia
RIPE-NCC-DNS Server Monitoring
nic.at Homepage Domains in Austria
NIC ACOnet Homepage - Registry of .ac.at-Domains
Welcome to APNIC Domains in Asien & Pazifik
.biz domain registry, web address registration - NeuLevel.biz www.whois.biz
W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium WWW Consortium
The IMAP Connection IMAP Consortium
ICANN Home Page The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers
IETF Home Page
     IETF RFC Page
 Active IETF Working Groups
The Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Architecture Board - IAB The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) is a committee of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
IESG The Internet Engineering Steering Group
IANA Home Page Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - IANA
USC-ISI's Postel Center
   Postel Center About Jon Postel
Jon Postel, Internet Pioneer
August 6, 1943 - October 16, 1998
IRTF Home Page IRTF Mission
To promote research of importance to the evolution of the future Internet by creating focused, long-term and small Research Groups working on topics related to Internet protocols, applications, architecture and technology.
Internet Society (ISOC) The Internet SOCiety (ISOC) is a professional membership society with more than 150 organization and 16,000 individual members in over 180 countries. It provides leadership in addressing issues that confront the future of the Internet, and is the organization home for the groups responsible for Internet infrastructure standards, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).
Electronic Privacy Information Center EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values.
The Center for Democracy and Technology The Center for Democracy and Technology works to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age. With expertise in law, technology, and policy, CDT seeks practical solutions to enhance free expression and privacy in global communications technologies. CDT is dedicated to building consensus among all parties interested in the future of the Internet and other new communications media.
RFC-Editor Webpage The Requests for Comments (RFC) document series is a set of technical and organizational notes about the Internet (originally the ARPANET), beginning in 1969. Memos in the RFC series discuss many aspects of computer networking, including protocols, procedures, programs, and concepts, as well as meeting notes, opinions, and sometimes humor. For more information on the history of the RFC series, see "30 years of RFCs".
IPv6 Taskforce Austria Das IPv6 Protokoll soll laut der Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF), die verantwortliche Institution fr Internet Standards und Normen, das next-generation Protokoll des Internets werden. Die EU hat schon die enormen Gelegenheiten erkannt, die das Protokoll fr die europische Wirtschaft bietet und grndete eine europische Taskforce, um die Umsetzung des Protokolls zu frdern.
RIPE.net BGPlay graphical visualisation of BGP updates
    RIPE.net - Projects - RIS
       Projects - RIS - Routing Information Service
            Query the RIPE Whois Database
Network Explorer - RobTex
      RobTex NERD
         www.robtex.com RobTex
The Opte Project
Compunet Home Page - BGPlay
Route Views Project Page - University of Oregon Route Views Project
Deutsche Telekom RIS - LG-F-DE.net.DTAG.DE
Geoff Huston - potaroo.net - BGP & Co.
Willkommen bei dns.xtremeweb.de Welcome to dns.xtremeweb.de
Free DNS Service for everyone who needs a Primary or Secondary Nameserver
Free DNS service - Easy, web-based domain manager - ZoneEdit.com
Domain Name Service for free - freedns.at
Domain name registration - free dns - mydomain.com
The Public DNS Service - freedns.com
chello usergroup free dns service
dnsreport.com is no longer avaiable!
DNS Report - This site will provide you with a DNS report for your domain
11 Best DNS Server Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools & Software
DNSSEC Resolver Test   NEW in this list!
This test determines whether your DNS resolver validates DNSSEC signatures. For this test you need JavaScript turned on. 
DNS Stuff DNS tools, WHOIS, tracert, ping, and other network tools.
       Advanced DNS Stuff
DNS Digger - This form will allow you to lookup records
Search Network --- Fixed Orbit
     News --- Fixed Orbit
Name Server Lookup Service - You can use this to retrieve DNS information from DNS servers
Abfrage von WHOIS-Datenbanken

SenderBase is the worlds leading email traffic monitoring network, designed to help email administrators research senders, identify legitimate sources of email and stop threats such as spam and viruses.

TrustedSource Portal -

TrustedSource gathers data on the behavior of senders across the Internet. In addition to the traditional techniques such as global email traffic patterns and volume, network characteristics and public blacklists and whitelists, TrustedSource is unique in that it includes timely, precise data from CipherTrust's extensive customer network.

Mail relay testing    Abuse.net Home Page
Open Relay Database - Welcome to the ORDB.org - the Open Relay DataBase.
DNSBL database check
SORBS - Spam & Open Relay Blocking System             SORBS.net         SORBS
Mail Abuse Prevention System
The CAIDA Web Site - the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis
Welcome to ISOC.DE  
Deutsches Forschungsnetz e.V. - DFN-Verein Deutsches Forschungsnetz
Heise News-Ticker (IPv6-)Wunder dauern etwas lnger
JOIN home page (IPv6 in the WiN) IP Version 6 im WiN - Ein DFN Projekt
IPv6 The Next Generation Internet! the IPv6 Information Page
Frequently Asked Questions about the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000
    Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000
    Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000 License Agreement
    Microsoft Research IPv6 Implementation (MSRIPv6)
Microsoft IPv6 Implementations
NIC AT - Domain Registration RIPE DE NCC Homepage
Netcraft Web Site Search  UK
Netcraft - Web Server Survey   UK 
Netcraft Web Site Finder  
Netcraft - What's that site running
Security Space  
Security Space - What's that site running
WEB Server Statistiken
Suche - auf welchem WEB Server läuft das WEB
Search - What's that site running?
Request for Comments (RFC) Editor Homepage
Request for Comments,  Information about the RFC series and its process.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration Internet Domain Names Papers and Comments  and
Domain Name Agreements among Department of Commerce, NSI, and ICANN
Global Internet Project  
MIT Research Program on Communications Policy Next Generation Internet Policy Workshop
gTLD-MoU - Generic Top Level Domain Memorandum of Understanding   and gTLD-MoU new Domains DOC Alternative Top Level Domains
Datacom a-sign Homepage A-SIGN Zertifizierungsdienst
ACOnet homepage  
Protocol Directory - TCP-IP part 4 Protocols for WAN, LAN, ATM data communications and telecommunications
MAPS Realtime Blackhole List   
Fight Spam on the Internet!   
Spam and Open Relay Blocking System
Simovits Consulting
Abfrage von WHOIS-Datenbanken
Open Relay Database - Welcome to the ORDB.org - the Open Relay DataBase. ORDB.org is our attempt to help in the fight against spam.
For further information about ORDB.org, please refer to the
about- and FAQ-sections, where exhaustive information may be gathered.
IANA - port-numbers       IANA - protocol-numbers
ISS - Ports 
Dave's Port List
TCP-IP Ports
Kurt Seifried - Information security - TCP Ports list, UDP ports list
ICMP Table
Firewall ICMP Ruleset - Michael Haertfelder
           Traceroute Protocols ICMP, IP, UDP
                 Tek-Tips - TCP-IP FAQs
Simovits Consulting - Ports used by trojans
IANA port-numbers Offizielle Liste aller TCP/UDP Ports der IANA
Linnet Solutions TCP-UDP Port Numbers

Nach freien Domains suchen und auch registrieren  
Go to Top!    

DomainAustria by simon media gmbh - domain registrierung INTERNIC.AT
World Intellectual Property Organization  
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center - Main  
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
This area is dedicated to the services established by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center for the resolution of domain name disputes.
Domain Name Registration OpenSRS - Domain Registration Service
Joker Homepage - REGISTER your DOM with JOKER.COM directNIC, Domain Name Registration powered by Linguatron the domain names search engine

Table 3 

Go to Top! 
SMTP & POP & Time    

Santovec, Michael - Home Page    Using Telnet with a POP3 Mail Server Mailing with Telnet
MailStart -Your Email Anytime, Anywhere- Connect your Mailbox over WEB
Sendmail Home Page  
sendmail Bogus popularity claims for Sendmail
qmail a replacement for sendmail qmail mirror selection
The IMAP Connection   
The Postfix (formerly VMailer) Home Page  
Magic Mail Monitor 3 GPL home!

Latest Version: Magic Mail Monitor v2.94b10
April 3, 2004

MDaemon Mail Server, RelayFax, LDaemon, and WebAdmin
Antivirus for MDaemon
SpamBayes Bayesian anti-spam classifier written in Python.
Time Servers
Information on Time and Frequency Services
   Public NTP Time Servers
      Public NTP Primary (stratum 1) Time Servers
       Public NTP Secondary (stratum 2) Time Servers

These pages contain lists of Network Time Protocol (NTP) public time servers.
The pool.ntp.org project is a big virtual cluster of timeservers providing reliable easy to use NTP service for millions of clients
Bitte benutzen Sie zur Synchronisation von Rechneruhren über das Internet die Pool Server
Please use for time synchronisation this pool server
ntp.org Home of the Network Time Protocol This page is home for the NTP software package, the official reference implementation of the NTP protocol.
NTP . Servers . WebHome This web-based collaboration area provides lists of Network Time Protocol (NTP) public time servers.
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
     Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) - english
Net Time
Zur Synchronisation von Rechneruhren über das Internet bietet die PTB zwei Zeitserver an. Diese Server benutzen zur Weitergabe der Zeitinformation das "Network Time Protocol" (NTP).
Funkuhr, Eine Lösung für Netzwerke,Atomzeit,DCF77 Empfänger, Zeitsynchronisation in Netzwerken  
WORLDTIME interactive atlas, time info, public holidays WORLDTIME is a service featuring an interactive world atlas, information on local time as well as sunrise and sunset times in several hundred cities, and a database of public holidays worldwide.
NIST Internet Time Service The NIST Internet Time Service allows users to synchronize computer clocks via the Internet. The time information provided by the service is directly traceable to UTC(NIST). The service responds to time requests from any Internet client in several formats including the DAYTIME, TIME, and NTP protocols.
Time Synchronization Software  
Time Server  
    Time Client
    TimeServ Documentation
TUCOWS Time Synchronizers  

Table 4 

Usergroups, Vereine, Interessensgruppen  
Go to Top!

ISPA - Internet Service Providers Austria  
Linux User Group Austria (LUGA) TK-LUG seite
Linux in Österreich  

Table 5 

Cache - die etwas andere Datenbank & SAP DB 
Go to Top!

Willkommen bei InterSystems InterSystems Cache - die postrelationale Datenbank
Welcome to InterSystems - The World's Leading Provider of High-performance Database Systems InterSystems Cache. The Postrelational Database.
SAP DB - The FREE Enterprise Open Source Database

Table 6

Diverse Programme 
Go to Top!

More Programs   
Ataman Software, Inc. Home Page Remote Tools
Toast442 - MD5 Gui for Windows
MD5 Command Line Message Digest Utility

Table 7 

Internet tools, network connectivity,  remote control, virtual machines.
Go to Top!  

WhatIsMyIP.com Courtesy of WhatIsMyIP.com
WhatIsMyIP.com is the easiest way
to determine your IP address.
It is also a great source for
information about the internet and
for tutorials on networking and computers.
VisualRoute Home Page VisualRoute, ein visuelles Traceroute Programm
Nessoft Home    Ping Plotter Home Pete Ness wrote:
Ping Plotter is a Trace Route program. I wrote it to offer information I could use to send to my ISP to prove that they were the cause of my problems. I needed something that would show something visible to make it obvious where the problem was.
X-NetStat X-NetStat - TCP/IP Portscanner - benutzte Ports
TCPView TCPView - TCP/IP Portscanner
TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the remote address and state of TCP connections. TCPView provides a conveniently presented subset of the Netstat program that ships with Windows NT and Windows 98.
From Mark Russinovich
Welcome to Qcheck! AG Group - products-etherpeek
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) / (Wikipedia)

What is VNC (comparitech.com)

Virtual Network Computing

In computing, Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system that uses the Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) to remotely control another computer. It transmits the keyboard and mouse events from one computer to another, relaying the graphical screen updates back in the other direction, over a network

TightVNC An Enhanced VNC Distribution Here you can find an enhanced version of VNC, called TightVNC, which includes a lot of new features, improvements, optimizations and bugfixes over the original VNC version, see the list of features below. Note that TightVNC is still absolutely free, cross-platform and compatible with the standard VNC. Many users agree that TightVNC is the most advanced free remote desktop package. And it's being actively developed so you can expect TightVNC will become even better.
RealVNC en
RealVNC de
RealVNC, the home of VNC
RealVNC® was founded by the original inventors to promote, enhance and commercialize VNC®.
Ultra VNC is a powerful, easy to use and free - remote pc access softwares - that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the other PC remotely. It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location.
Connecting Private LANs to the Internet NAT32 NAT 32 eine Alternative ins Internet!
SAMBA (Wikipedia)

Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix.
Samba is Free Software licensed under the GNU General Public License, the Samba project is a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy.
Welcome to VMware, Inc. Virtuelle Maschinen - sehr zu empfehlen!
VirtualBox (Wikipedia)

Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4, 2.6, 3.x and 4.x), Solaris and OpenSolaris, OS/2, and OpenBSD.

Table 8 

LINUX & Unix - outside  of the Microsoft World

Go to Top!
Linux DistroWatch.com  (Linux, BSD)
DistroWatch is a website dedicated to talking about, reviewing and keeping up to date with open source operating systems. This site particularly focuses on Linux distributions and flavours of BSD [more about DistroWatch.com]
GNU's Not Unix! - the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
     GNU's Not Unix! - the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
          Richard Stallman's Personal Page
FSF Europe - Free Software Foundation Europe
Comparison of Linux Distributions
      Comparison of Linux Distributions - Major
            Comparison of Linux Distributions - Summary
The Linux Kernel Archives This is the primary site for the Linux kernel source, but it has much more than just kernels.
chkrootkit -- locally checks for signs of a rootkit
KNOPPIX - Live Linux Filesystem On CD
Debian GNU-Linux -- The Universal Operating System
        Debian GNU-Linux -- Debian in Deutsch
Linux Mint   with  Cinnamon  or  MATE  - or KDE, Xfce too.
Started in 2006, Linux Mint is now the 4th most widely used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS and Canonical's Ubuntu.
The Trusted Debian project
Debian GNU-Linux Anwenderhandbuch
Sabayon is a modern and easy to use Linux distribution based on Gentoo, following an extreme, yet reliable, rolling release model.
This is a monthly release generated, tested and published to mirrors by our build servers containing the latest and greatest collection of software available in the Entropy repositories.
The Linux Home Page at Linux Online  
Welcome to Xandros            ixsoft Softwareentwicklung und -vertrieb fr Linux, Unix und BSD
Free Software from Bruce Perens          Bruce Perens
The Linux Documentation Project
Linux Grill
Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO
Linux From Scratch Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with the steps necessary to build your own custom Linux system.
Gentoo Linux -- Gentoo Linux News Gentoo Linux is a high-performance ports-based Linux metadistribution for x86, PowerPC, UltraSparc and Alpha Processor systems. The Gentoo Linux Distribution.
gentoo.com- There ain't nobody here but us penguins There ain't nobody here but us penguins
Cooperative Linux

Cooperative Linux is the first working free and open source method for optimally running Linux on Microsoft Windows natively. More generally, Cooperative Linux (short-named coLinux) is a port of the Linux kernel that allows it to run cooperatively alongside another operating system on a single machine. For instance, it allows one to freely run Linux on Windows 2000/XP, without using a commercial PC virtualization software such as VMware, in a way which is much more optimal than using any general purpose PC virtualization software. In its current condition, it allows us to run the KNOPPIX Japanese Edition on Windows (see Screenshots).

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) This page is the home of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS).
The Slackware Linux Project 
Linux Router Project 
Trinux A Linux Security Toolkit Trinux is a portable Linux distribution that boots from a single floppy disk, loads it packages from a FAT/Ext2 partition, floppy disks, or HTTP/FTP servers, and runs entirely in RAM. Trinux contains precompiled versions versions of popular Open Source network security/monitoring tools such as nmap, tcpdump, iptraf, and ntop. Trinux default configuration provides DHCP for easy network configuration.
tomsrtbt home page The most Linux on 1 floppy disk.
The Linux Documentation Project     
DutNux Internet Technologies DutNux Internet Technologies squidanalog
DutNux Internet Technologies qmail-patches
LinuxISO.org - A place to learn about, download, and discuss Linux.
The Linux Documentation Project Homepage The Linux HOWTO Index
Hali Tower, Darkover    linux-firewall-tools  
Linuxberg World Wide Affiliate Site Locations! Welcome to L I N U X B E R G
Linux on Laptops
Cygwin Cygwin is a UNIX environment, developed by Red Hat, for Windows. It consists of two parts:
A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a UNIX emulation layer providing substantial UNIX API functionality.
redhat.com Cygwin Cygwin is a set of powerful tools to assist developers in migrating applications from UNIX/Linux to the Windows platform.
Welcome to Fentun's Home Page If you're receiving e-mail with attachments embedded in "application/ms-tnef" MIME content and you want access to the attachments, you've come to the right place!
Josh's Web Site - My Development TNEF's Enough allows Macs to read and extract files from Microsoft TNEF stream files.
c't 25-2000, S. 282 Hotline --> "Nerv mit TNEF" "Nerv mit TNEF"
Etzel We are working to make Linux dramatically easier to use. Our goal is to establish Linux as the desktop of choice for millions of users.
Global File System (GFS) for Linux
[fmII] - welcome to freshmeat.net 
The F-CPU Project - Freedom CPU Project  Free CPU Project!
Welcome to the RPM repository on gd.tuwien.ac.at GDS - http--gd.tuwien.ac.at-opsys-linux-
Linuxconf home
 Welcome to Solucorp
Linuxconfig - Linux Config Tool
Webmin.com Webmin - Linux Config Tool
Caldera Systems, Inc. - eDesktop User's Guide - Ch 10 Using Webmin Webmin - Linux Config Tool - User Guide
VA Linux Systems  
 Mandrivausers.org     OpenMandriva Lx (sourceforge.net)

Mageia Linux (a Fork from Mandriva)
Mageia Linux (German)
Debian GNU-Linux -- The Universal Operating System
Ubuntu Linux (Main)
Xubuntu - a community project, Xubuntu comes with Xfce
LinuxMint Cinnamon
The Mac4Lin project ("mac4lin")
Mac4Lin - project on sourceforge
Make Your Linux Desktop Look Like A Mac - Mac4Lin Project Documentation
lifehacker - Make Your Linux Desktop Look Like a Mac

lifehacker - Macbuntu Makes Your Linux Desktop Look Like Mac OS X
gnome-look Macbuntu
Sabayon Linux distribution         Sabayon Linux Wiki
Sabayon Linux is based on the source-based distro named Gentoo
Rule Set Based Access Control (RSBAC) - Homepage
Computer Laboratory - Xen virtual machine monitor
Junidas Security - Rootkit security Junidas GmbH
United Linux UnitedLinux is a standards-based Linux operating system targeted at the business user. It is developed, marketed and sold by an experienced partnership of Linux companies.
Red Hat Linux
redhat.com Red Hat Solution Center
Red Hat rescue-cd
Choose Fedora       Fedora Linux

Perl Mongers Perl
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network  
Argus Systems Group - Trusted Platform e-Commerce Security
   Argus Revolution - Open Security Discussion, Free B1 Trusted Operating System for non-commercial use
Intrusion Prevention - PitBull
The Case Western Reserve University Linux User's Group 
openSUSE.org - OpenSUSE
EXTIS GmbH - Open School Server
WIENUX - Beschreibung auf wiki
WIENUX für die Stadt (diese Seite ist leider nicht mehr erreichbar)
     Professioneller Behörden-Desktop WIENUX (diese Seite ist leider nicht mehr erreichbar)
Using PDF in Linux
Free BSD "Unix'e"         Go to Top!
The FreeBSD Project FreeBSD Project
is an advanced operating system for x86 compatible, AMD64, Alpha, IA-64, PC-98 and UltraSPARC architectures. It is derived from BSD, the version of UNIX developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. Additional platforms are in various stages of development.
FreeSBIE - Free System Burned In Economy FreeSBIE is a LiveCD based on the FreeBSD Operating system, or even easier, a FreeBSD-based operating system that works directly from a CD, without touching your hard drive.
   OpenBSD Multiplattform Ultra-sicheres OS
OpenBSD Project
The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. OpenBSD supports binary emulation of most programs from SVR4 (Solaris), FreeBSD, Linux, BSD/OS, SunOS and HP-UX.
The NetBSD Project
    4.4 Berkeley Software Distribution Documentation
NetBSD Project
is a free, secure, and highly portable UNIX-like Open Source operating system available for many platforms, from 64-bit AlphaServers and desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices. Its clean design and advanced features make it excellent in both production and research environments, and it is user-supported with complete source. Many applications are easily available through The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The DragonFly BSD Project DragonFly BSD Project
is an operating system and environment designed to be the logical continuation of the FreeBSD-4.x OS series. These operating systems belong in the same class as Linux in that they are based on UNIX ideals and APIs. DragonFly is a fork in the path, so to speak, giving the BSD base an opportunity to grow in an entirely new direction from the one taken in the FreeBSD-5 series.
heise online - Freies Unix-Derivat FreeBSD in Version 4.10 freigegeben
heise online - Das Allerwelts-Unix 10 Jahre NetBSD
bsdforums.org - FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD Darwin Mac OSX Linux Unix forums, message boards, discussions and news.
More about LINUX  & Open Source     Go to Top!
Lindows.com LindowsOSTM 3.0 is a new operating system that delivers the power, stability and cost-savings of Linux with the ease of windows.
Willkommen bei VMware, Inc.
   Welcome to VMware, Inc.
   Server Produkte -- VMware ESX Server -- Features
   Server Products -- VMware ESX Server -- Features
VM Ware - Virtual Machines

Fli4L.ch board

Fli4l is a single floppy Linux-based ISDN, DSL and Ethernet-Router. You can build it from an old 486 based pc with 16 megabyte memory, which is more than adequate for this purpose.

fli4l ist ein Linux-basierender ISDN-, DSL- und Ethernet-Router, der lediglich 1 Diskette zum Arbeiten bentigt. Ein 486er mit 16MB RAM ist dafr vollkommen ausreichend.

eisfair.org eisfair - Easy Internet Server
eisfair ist ein einfach zu installierender Internet-Server, der als zugrundeliegendes Betriebssystem Linux verwendet. Es wird ausschlielich freie Software verwendet. Die Installation und der Betrieb von eisfair setzt jedoch keine Linux-Kenntnisse voraus und ist mit einfachen und - besonders wichtig - einheitlichen Mitteln möglich.  ...ff... 
Uberhax0r Communications - KIS
   KIS official distrobution site
KIS - Kernel Intrusion System
GNU's Not Unix! - the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
     GNU ist Nicht Unix! - das GNU Projekt und die Free Software Foundation (FSF)
LAMEpage Die LAMEpage wurde am 27.September 1997 ins Leben gerufen und wird von Carsten Voss und Peter Sobisch betreut. Der Name dieser Seite ergab sich aus den Themen Linux, Amiga, Mobilfunk und Elektronik (eben LAME).
Das Linux Anwenderhandbuch Index
Betrachtungen ber die Zeit
NewbieNet - NewbieNet
SGI - XFS File System Home Page
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture - ALSA
rpmseek.com - Die Suchmaschine fr Linux rpm-Pakete
   rpmseek.com - Die Suchmaschine fr Linux rpm und Debian Pakete
RPM repository on gd.tuwien.ac.at
beosonline.com - Creator of the first BeOS-OpenBeOS Distribution
     www.BeNebelt.de -Deutsche BeOS-Page
OpenBeOS Project
     The BeOSJournal ~ Current News
BeZip - das Softwarearchiv fr BeOS    
      beunited.org - Open Standards BeOS-compatible Operating Systems
yellowTAB - New Generation BeOS Solutions
      ZetaNews - The Power of the community
           Neues vom BeOS-Nachfolger Zeta - Golem.de
SSH, SSL, PGP, GNU Privacy Projekts 
The Secure Shell Community Site SSH
w w w . f r e e s s h . o r g
   w w w . f r e e s s h . o r g - windows
Silicon Circus - PenguiNet
   Silicon Circus
SSH Client for Windows
PuTTY a free Win32 telnet-ssh client
   PuTTY Download Page
   PuTTY User Manual
     Simon Tatham's Home Page
putty - SSH Client for Windows
WinSCP WinSCP is a freeware SCP (Secure CoPy) client for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/ME using SSH (Secure SHell). Its main function is safe copying of files between a local and a remote computer. Beyond this basic function, WinSCP manages some other actions with files.


OpenSSH is a FREE version of the SSH protocol suite of network connectivity tools that increasing numbers of people on the Internet are coming to rely on. Many users of telnet, rlogin, ftp, and other such programs might not realize that their password is transmitted across the Internet unencrypted, but it is. OpenSSH encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other network-level attacks. Additionally, OpenSSH provides a myriad of secure tunneling capabilities, as well as a variety of authentication methods.
OpenSSH on Windows OpenSSH on Windows
Includes ssh, scp, and sftp clients and servers for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, and XP.
Servers not available for Win 9x/ME.
Cygwin Cygwin is a UNIX environment, developed by Red Hat, for Windows. It consists of two parts:
A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a UNIX emulation layer providing substantial UNIX API functionality.
redhat.com Cygwin Cygwin is a set of powerful tools to assist developers in migrating applications from UNIX/Linux to the Windows platform.
SecureCRT - The Usable, Flexible SSH Client
   Van Dyke Technologies, Inc. - Software that works.
SSH Client for Windows
OpenSSL The Open Source toolkit for SSL-TLS  
SSH - Communications Security - ssh.com
     Index of -pub-ssh
SSH Communications Security
SourceForge.net- Project Info - Java Fish
SourceForge.net- Project Info - KFish, a Fish Applet for KDE
SourceForge.net- Project Info - FISH Install SHield
OpenPGP.org - The OpenPGP Alliance Home Page 
The International PGP Home Page 
PGP Security - Protecting Your Privacy - A Network Associates Business 
GnuPG (The GNU Privacy Guard)
    GnuPG - Der GNU Privacy Guard.de          
        GNU is Not Unix
GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP. Because it does not use the patented IDEA algorithm, it can be used without any restrictions. GnuPG is a RFC2440 (OpenPGP) compliant application.
GPA - The Gnu Privacy Assistant The GNU Privacy Assistant is a graphical user interface for the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). GnuPG is a system that provides you with privacy by encrypting emails or other documents and with authentication of received files by signature management.
GNU Privacy Projekt Sicherheit für E-Mail,
E-Commerce und E-Government.
Das ist das Ziel des GNU Privacy Projekts (GnuPP)!
Der GNU Privacy Guard Sicherheit für Ihre E-Mails
nach einem einheitlichen Standard.
Das ist das Ziel des GNU Privacy Guard Projektes!
Windows Privacy Tray WinPT (Windows Privacy Tray) is a taskbar utility for doing data en- or decryption. This program is free software under the terms of the GNU GPL. For this WinPT uses the GNU Privacy Guard, because it's a widlely and free utility for this purposes. WinPT is a so called "Frontend" for the GnuPG. The program acts very similar to another program from the PGP(r) package. It supports all common commands for en- and decryption, key transport with the clipboard and of course to create and the verification of signatures.
GnuPG-Plugin Das G DATA Outlook Plugin für GnuPG stellt eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem E-Mail-Programm Microsoft Outlook (eine Komponente des Microsoft Office) und dem GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) beziehungsweise dessen Schlüsselverwaltung GPA dar. Es ermöglicht die schnelle und unkomplizierte Handhabung verschlüsselter E-Mails ohne den bislang notwendigen Umweg über die Kommandozeile oder die Zwischenablage.
PGP Security - Protecting Your Privacy - A Network Associates Business 
The International PGP Home Page  
Imad's PGP Page - www.ipgpp.com
       Imad's PGP Page - irfaiad  
Secure Computing Corporation Home  
The Mutt E-Mail Client   
THAWTE it's a trust thing    
VeriSign Inc. - www.verisign.com    
Office, mail clients, group ware and some, .....       
       Ximian Products
Ximian is the established leader in providing open source desktop technology, applications, support and services for the Linux and UNIX marketplaces. Ximian products, in use by over one million people worldwide, are providing the ease of use, productivity and interoperability needed to propel the adoption of the Linux desktop in corporate computing environments.
OpenOffice.org OpenOffice.org: Mission Statement
To create, as a community, the leading international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format.
FirstClass Division, Open Text Corporation   Linux version coming soon!
Network Administration Tools NT Linux and more 
postgreSQL 7.0 und StarOffice 5.2   
FRANK CDROM Linux Software und Fachbücher Quick - ist ein offenes Schnellübersetzungssystem
StarNet Communications Home Page Bringing Unix/Linux to Your Windows Desktop for Windows 95/98/ME/NT and Windows 2000
Neomagic X Server for Linux on Laptops X Server for Linux on Laptops with the NeoMagic MagicGraph 128 Family Chipsets
Labtam Finland - Etusivu  
   Labtam Finland
WinaXe, X-WinPro, .....
Arkeia ... the de facto standard for network backup with Linux 
DutNux Internet Technologies squidanalog
     DutNux Internet Technologies qmail-patches
   Trolltech - Qt Free Edition
SourceForge Welcome For Developer
mozilla.org Bugzilla -- the Mozilla bug database
For Developer

 [Get Opera for Linux!]

Opera the fastest web browser!
nPULSE nPULSE is a web-based network monitoring package for Unix-like operating systems. It can quickly monitor tens, hundreds, even thousands of sites/devices at a time on multiple ports. nPULSE is written in Perl and comes with its own (SSL optional) web server for extra security.
SuSE Linux Openexchange Server
Kroupware Project
.comFire The Collaboration Appliance
Samsung Contact Home - de
        Samsung Contact Home - en
SquirrelMail - Webmail for Nuts!
SourceForge.net Project Info - SquirrelMail
Jebbar Office Groupware by UniSol
qmail the Internet's MTA of choice
qmail mirror selection
qmail Second most popular MTA on the Internet
Debian qmail
treiber-forum.de - die ultimative Hardware Community im Netz - qmail
     treiber-forum.de - die ultimative Hardware Community im Netz - qmail howto
Life with qmail
Courier Mail Server
Inter7 Internet Technologies - Courier IMAP
The IMAP Connection --
Zvon - RFC 477 - Description of RJS Commands, Standard Syntax
Using Telnet with a POP3 Mail Server
rfc1939 - Post Office Protocol - Version 3
How to Access your Email box using Telnet
Using TELNET to Troubleshoot EIMS Server Problems
ITworld.com - UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION - Checking Service Connections
Samba TNG TNG is getting closer and closer to a fully functional NT4 domain controller.
You need this too to replace an NT 4.0 server & domain controller:
OpenLDAP OpenLDAP Software is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
Common UNIX Printing System The Common UNIX Printing System ("CUPS") is a cross-platform printing solution for all UNIX environments.
SGI - XFS File System Home Page

SGI - Linux XFS

Introducing XFS, XFSTM is the next-generation file system for SGI systems, from desktop workstations to supercomputers.
Internet Software Consortium ISC "BIND" DNS and ISC DHCP
some other ....   
IDEALX Samba Contributions
Samba and CIFS

Slashdot Interviews Learn from Samba-Man Jeremy Allison
   Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters 

CVS - www.cvshome.org
SAMBA - CVS - opening windows to a wider world
Sendmail, Mailprograms
Sendmail Home Page - sendmail.org  
The Architects of Internet Messaging - Sendmail, Inc.  
The Postfix Home Page - postfix.org
    The Postfix Home Page - postfix.com 
DutNux Internet Technologies qmail-patches
The IMAP Connection -- imap.org  
SILC Secure Internet Live Conferencing - news SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides secure conferencing services in the Internet over insecure channel. SILC superficially resembles IRC, although they are very different internally. They both provide conferencing services and have almost same set of commands. Other than that, they are nothing alike. The SILC is secure and the network model is entirely different compared to IRC.
Cyrusoft International, Inc. The Cyrus Electronic Mail Project is continuing to build a highly scalable enterprise mail system designed for use in a small to large enterprise environments using standards based technologies. The Cyrus technologies will scale from independent use in small departments to a system centrally managed in a large enterprise.
Project Cyrus
cyrus-mail ftp-download
Download Mulberry Now
Linux Router
Linux Router Project                Portslave RADIUS Client 
The Netfilter Project HomePage
open-router.org -D-i-G-i-T-a-L- NiGHTMARE 
GNU Zebra -- routing software
floppyfw  Floppyfirewall              Zelow Consulting
IPROUTE2 Utility Suite Documentation           Linux Grill
Transparent Proxy with Linux and Squid mini-HOWTO
                 Single list of HOWTOs
                 The Linux Documentation Project
Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO
Monitor Router's & NIC's
MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
          mrtg faq
           Tobi Oetiker - Projects
The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the traffic load on network-links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing PNG images which provide a LIVE visual representation of this traffic. Check http://www.stat.ee.ethz.ch/mrtg/ to see what it does.
FireDaemon for WinNT-2K-XP FireDaemon is a utility that allows you to install and run virtually any application as a Windows NT/2K/XP service. FireDaemon features easy configuration, a low memory/CPU overhead, subprocess prioritisation and CPU binding and scheduling plus monitoring and logging to the NT/2K/XP event lo - need for run MRTG as service.
SNMP for the Public Community Home of SNMP4NT, SNMP4W2K, and NET-SONAR - Providing support for SNMP, Windows 9x/NT/2000, WMI, NetWare and MRTG
Link Logger Link Logger is the premier Windows logging tool for the Linksys, Netgear, ZyXEL Prestige and ZyWall routers and gateways.
Linux / UNIX Printing
Home Page - Common UNIX Printing System  
Gimp-Print Printer Drivers  
    Drucken mit CUPS und ESP Print Pro
    CUPS ESP-PrintPro
    Drucken wie Browsen
Turboprint for Linux - main
    Turboprint for Linux - de
OpenLDAP, Title PAM LDAP Module
Linux Directory Services Webmin module for OpenLDAP
DevEdge Online - DevEdge Home Page
   DevEdge Online - Sample Code, Access & Manuals For Developers
   DevEdge Online - LDAP and Directories
GQ LDAP client
PADL Software biot.com
MS Active Directory vs. Sun Microsystems' Sun Directory Service 3.1 LDAP MigrationTools
The Cathedral and the Bazaar Stanford CCS-DCG-IDG Directory Services Page
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol An LDAP Roadmap & FAQ -- Directory Services Information
X.500 and LDAP Raw Bibliorgaphy of RFCs e-user Solutions Hit a home run in your e-business
Kings Mountain Systems Kings Mountain Systems
e-user Solutions Hit a home run in your e-business www.perl.com - Turning the Tides on Perl's Attitude Toward Beginners
PHP, Perl, Java, Scripts, SQL, Database, WEB db, XML,SGML, ......
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor PHP Documentation
php-homepage.de - Die deutschsprachige Ressource fr PHP und MySQL- Startseite
SELFPHP.de  - PHP-Dateien selbst erstellen
      SELFHTML 8.0 (HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen)
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor      
          PHP Documentation
               PHP PHP Manual - Manual - en
                  PHP PHP Handbuch - Manual - de
JARS.COM The #1 Java Review Service
www.perl.com - Turning the Tides on Perl's Attitude Toward Beginners 
www.w3perl.com homepage 
W3Perl - Fly homepage 
SourceForge Project Info - Tomcat-Book 
MySQL.com MySQL database
mySQL.org - The site for the mysql community 
Hughes Technologies The home of Mini SQL ( mSQL ) 
Hotscripts.com The net's largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal
postgreSQL 7.0 und StarOffice 5.2

Open Source,org

SourceForge ist ein freier Dienst für Open Source Entwickler und bietet einfachen Zugang zu dem Besten aus CVS, Mailinglisten, Bug-Tracking, Diskussionsforen, Aufgabenverwaltung, Webhosting, dauerhafte Dateiarchivierung, Backups und vollständige Verwaltung per Web-Interface.
XFree86 , KDE,
XFree86(TM) Home Page

XFree86(TM) Home Page

The XFree86 Project, Inc is the organisation which produces XFree86 , a freely redistributable open-source implementation of the X Window System which runs on UNIX(R) and UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux, all of the BSD variants, Sun Solaris x86, Mac OS X (via Darwin), as well as other platforms like OS/2 and Cygwin.
X.Org On 22nd January 2004, the original members of X.Org and several industry participants announced the formation of The X.Org Foundation.
The X.Org Foundation will assume the role of being the worldwide consortium empowered with the stewardship and collaborative development of the X Window System technology and standards previously managed by X.Org.
freedesktop.org freedesktop.org is a free software project to work on interoperability and shared technology for desktop environments for the X Window System. The most famous X desktops are GNOME and KDE but any developers working on Linux/UNIX GUI technology are welcome to participate.
freedesktop.org wants to build a base platform for desktop software on Linux and UNIX. The elements of this platform become the backend for higher-level application-visible APIs, such as Qt, GTK+, XUL, VCL, WINE, GNOME, and KDE. The platform contains both code and specifications.
X11R6.7.0 Sources X11R6.7.0 Source Archives
K Desktop Environment Home (kde.org) KDE is a powerful Open Source graphical desktop environment for Unix workstations. It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the Unix operating system.
GNOME The Free Software Desktop Project GNOME is a Unix and Linux desktop suite and development platform.
          Linux XDMCP HOWTO
Cygwin/XFree86 is a port of XFree86 to the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. Cygwin/XFree86 runs on all recent consumer and business versions of Windows; as of 2002-01-06 those versions are specifically Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
Pro-Linux Eine Cygwin Umgebung unter Windows einrichten
    Pro-Linux Hilfe-Forum
Eine Cygwin Umgebung unter Windows einrichten
Kde cygwin KDE on Cygwin is the port of Qt and KDE to Windows, using Cygwin, the posix emulation layer for Windows, the xfree86 server and the qt library.
    Trolltech - Qt - Overview
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application developers target all major operating systems with a single application source code.
Some New Links about Linux Tuning, WEB Server, Mail, ......
Welcome! - The Apache Software Foundation
Galatea FlashGuide Virtual Hosting with Apache
Apache Reference a href=..-http_core.htmlhttp_core-a, ServerAlias
Apache non-IP Virtual Hosts
ThinkFree Office LinuxLand International - The World of Linux Software
kHTTPd - Linux HTTP Accelerator Linux Performance Tuning
Linux.com - Tuning Linux TuneLinux.com
[fm] welcome to freshmeat.net Software
Chili!Soft Home October 26, 2000 Platform independent Active Server Pages ASP and Apache
Please choose a Postfix Web Site IntraStore E-Mail Server
OpenOne Corporation Home Page OpenOne MailOne
Pro-Linux Pro-Linux KDE2&KDE1 gemeinsam nutzen
Microsoft Linux - the premier linux distro :-))  
NetWin Products Mail- & News-Server
Web based News Groups
Web/Mail interface for ISP's, simple to use and install
Full Web based Email for businesses and ISP's
Verein zur Frderung Freier Software
NewbieNet - NewbieNet

Table 9 

Zeitschriften, Bücher, Infos 
Go to Top!

Magazines, Books and Infos

Linux-Magazin - Linux-Magazin
LinuxUser - Das Magazin fr die Praxis - LinuxUser - Das Magazin fr die Praxis
Linux Enterprise - Professional Linux & Open Source Development
EasyLinux - einfach, klar, benutzerfreundlich - Hauptseite
C&L - freeX - Das Magazin fr Linux BSD UNIX
Debian GNU-Linux Anwenderhandbuch
Heise c't 
   Heise.de c't - alle URLs auf einen Klick
FRIC Technische Fachbuchhandlung Wiedner Hauptstr. 13 1040 Wien 01-505 64 52 
     Wiedner Hauptstr. 13 1040 Wien 01-505 64 52
PC News Non-profit-Zeitschrift für Unterricht, Clubs und Hobby über Programmieren, Telekom, Grafik, CAD, Literatur, Mikroelektronik
www.kofler.cc - Autorenseite von Michael Kofler  
Bernhard Roehrig EDV-Consulting - Publikationen  
www.oreilly.com -- Welcome to O'Reilly & Associates! O'Reilly einer der sehr guten Computerverlage! Englische Seite
O'Reilly Home Page - deutsch Hier in Deutsch!
Amazon.com - Books, Music, & More Amazon.de Books & More
29th Street Press Bücher über EDV
Wrox Press Inc. - Home Page Programmer to Programmer - Books and Information
DevelopMentor For Developer
15 Seconds Home 
NewbieNet - NewbieNet
Verein zur Frderung Freier Software

Table 10 

Hier finden Sie Hilfe für Ihre Homepage!  

Go to Top!    Here you will find help for your homepage!
HostProfis sterreich - Domain - Webhosting - www.ihrName.at - Hosting - Wir speichern Ihren Auftritt
Karl Heinz Resch - Free Webmaster Tools and Meta Search Engines  
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML Hier finden Sie die HTML 3.2 und 4.0 Tags aufgelistet, weiters Tips zur WEB Page Gestaltung!
SELFHTML 8.0 (HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen)
   SELFHTML aktuell
SELFHTML (HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen)
   lexcorp e.K. - Alexander Karastergios
Anleitung zur WEB Seitengestaltung, HTML Tags
Suchmaschine zu SELFHTML
Autor: Stefan Münz, muenz@csi.com
SELFPHP 1.0.1 (PHP-Dateien selbst erstellen) SELFPHP: Version 1.0.1 vom 03.10.2001, Autor: Damir Enseleit, Co-Autor: Matthias Hupp
E-Government - ohne Aktive Inhalte - wie geht das? - Technischer Anhang

Bei Aktiven Inhalten handelt es sich um zustzlichen Programmcode (wie JavaScript, Flash, etc.), der im Webbrowser auf seiten des Anwenders ausgefhrt wird. Webseiten, die ohne Aktive Inhalte nur teilweise oder gar nicht funktionieren, verfhren den Anwender dazu, die Sicherheitseinstellungen in seinem Browser zu lockern. Hierdurch kann es zu ganz unterschiedlichen Gefhrdungen kommen.

Auf Basis einer Untersuchung der derzeit in E-Government-Angeboten vorgefundenen Aktiven Inhalte werden fr alle gefundenen Anwendungsflle konkrete Alternativen zur Vermeidung von Aktiven Inhalten aufgezeigt. In einem technischen Anhang finden sich praktische Anwendungslsungen ohne Aktive Inhalte. Diese Beispiele sind ideal geeignet, um als Vorlage und Anleitung fr E-Government-Angebote ohne Aktive Inhalte dienen.
Mit Codebeispielen .....

Online-Internet-Kurs mit Glossar, nicht nur für Einsteiger Ein Online-Internet-Kurs, mit Glossar.
Zum Einsteigen, aber nicht nur für Einsteiger!

von Bernd Zimmermann
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML 
PC News Provider A..Z Alle österreichischen Provider gelistet!
Ascend NSP Services Directory Wenn Sie international einen Provider suchen.
Slob-Trot Software Oy Ab - WINWAP WAP Browser für Windows
WAP browser @ Gelon.net WAP Simulator
Die Goldenen Regeln fuer schlechtes HTML - Alle Regeln. Karzauninkat Webdesign
The CGI Resource Index Programs and Scripts The CGI Resource Index Programs and Scripts Perl Guestbooks
.... ex Jason Scripts ....  Running a form-to-email gateway
Matt's Script Archive Matt's Script Archive FormMail
Hotscripts.com The net's largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal
nms - web scripts written by experts
www.boaddrink.com - projects - PHPFormMail
CGI.pm - a Perl5 CGI Library
Robots.txt Validator
AspHeute.com - Unerwnschte Referer sperren
FreeScripts.com Free CGI Scripts Will Make Your Site Cool  
www.w3perl.com homepage  
W3Perl - Fly homepage  
[fmII] - Project details for nPulse   
GIFs on the fly  
Willkommen bei der Internethilfe  
Webmasterplan - Website Optimization, Promotion, Audit
Webmasterplan - Website Optimierung, Promotion und Erfolgs-Überwachung
GermanTop100 - vielleicht gröter deutsche GRATIS COUNTER -Dienst. Live-Statistiken und Hitlisten. - Unsere Empfehlung ! - Zusatz-Service kostenlose Gaestebuecher, Subdomains umsonst.
Gifsworld - Animierte Gifs Cliparts Banner Button HP Vorlagen uvm.
The Joust Outliner
   Joust Users Forum
Joust Java Script
Tools to Design an WEB  
Ulead Systems - Innovative Multimedia Solutions WebRazor
Macromedia - Dreamweaver
Allaire e-Commerce content management and web design software from Allaire. ColdFusion
Adobe Systems Incorporated 
Matt's Script Archive
    www.w3perl.com homepage
    W3Perl - Fly homepage
    GIFs on the fly
    Digit Mania - All
Project - WEB Counter
Perl Mongers www.w3perl.com homepage
PHP Documentation 
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With the LogFile Analyse webmaster can analysis easily and comfortably their side attendance classify and analyze.

Webmasterwelt, die Seite für Webmaster - CGI, Java, Javascript, Webmarketing, Webdesign, kostenloser Service 
Webmasters Internet Club Die Community fr Webmaster und alle die es noch werden wollen!
JARS.COM The #1 Java Review Service  
HitBoss TOP100  
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Anfy Team Home Page  
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Web site promotion and marketing did-it.com welcomes you
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Bind BIND for NT
Bind Operations Guide DNS Resources Directory (DNSRD)
ISC BIND  Bind NT Archive  
   BIND 8 for NT
Stanford University CCS    
DNS HOWTO Help - HowTo
Internet Software Consortium - BIND  
BIND 8 - t2b  
Chaos Central 
  BIND DNS server setup
Help - HowTo
djbdns Domain Name System tools

Internet Netiquette!   

NetzMayer Die klassische Netiquette
Von Arlene H. Rinaldi, Academic/Institutional Support Services
Florida Atlantic University,  Juli, 1994

Übersetzt von Christian Reiser
Wien, Österreich, Mai 1995
at.usenet   at.usenet.ressourcen 
VIBE.AT - Verein für Internet-Benutzer Österreichs
Frank Tegtmeyer Mailinglisten und ihre Benutzung
Usenet Tips und Netiquette
akronyme.not-for-mail Abkürzungen im Usenet
Acronym Finder Look up 293,000+ acronyms-abbreviations & their definitions
INTERNET OMBUDSMANN - Information, Beratung und Hilfe zum Thema Online-Shopping in Oesterreich

Das Internet - Geschichte:  

Tribute to our Friend Jonathan B. Postel and
Internet Society (ISOC) All About ISOC Jon Postel
Jonathan B. Postel - einer der Gründungsväter des Internets

Table 11

Hardwaretips: : 
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'BIOS Kompendium' Informationen in deutsch für AMI, Award und Phoenix
How to Select the Best SCSI Adaptor IOISCSI - SCSI Information - SCSI vs. EIDE
Wim's BIOS page Wim's BIOS Page Everything you want to know about BIOS

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Last modified: 11. October 2024 08:40:31.
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